According to the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty, between the years of 2014 and 2015, there were reported to be 524 attacks against homeless persons in the country. Of those attacks, an overwhelming 21.5% took place in California
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LEAP MDUSD was awarded the 2021 Call for Kindness Fellowship by the Riley's Way Foundation! We are beyond grateful that our project is 1 of 30 that Riley's Way selected from a pool of 200. With this award, LEAP will be receiving $3,000
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To most, innovation and design are positive developments, but there are more evil sides that often go ignored, one being hostile architecture, otherwise known as anti-homeless architecture. 
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In California alone, our Foster Youth system is home to 60,000 kids from ages of infancy to 21 years. As if life hasn’t been hard enough on these kids, the last year has brought fear and struggles of facing the Covid-19 pandemic. The fight for a healthy and safe
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A historic winter storm has led to a massive crisis in the state of Texas and, as with most devastating weather-related events, the most vulnerable and marginalized have bore the brunt of the storm. Millions of homes and businesses are without power, water pipes are bursting, and carbon monoxide poisoning
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